Pupil absence or illness
This is a quick summary of answers to some of the FAQ that arise around pupil absence or illness which, at this time of year, can become an issue for many households.
Please note, that the Dept for Education have identified anything below 95% attendance as a cause for concern and stress that by 90- 80% attendance children are categorised as having “Chronic Attendance”: missing 10% - 19.9% (2-3 days per month). This is a very narrow threshold and having documentation to explain absences is absolutely essential. Help us maintain up-to-date records by ensuring you phone 02840628044 and leave a message on our answering service; OR email info@stfrancis.aghaderg.ni.sch.uk OR provide a written note with a sibling.
Thank you.
St. Francis' Primary School Aghaderg, 24 Donard View Rd, Loughbrickland, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3LN | Tel: 028 4062 8044

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