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St Francis Primary School, Aghaderg

Colour Dash 2024 - a Daily Mile with a difference!!

7th Jun 2024
Our pupils had a super afternoon thanks to the efforts of our PTA who organised a first for St. Francis' PS - the Colour Dash! Our P1/2/3 pupils completed several laps around the school and were sprinkled with coloured chalk powder by our PTA volunteers. Our P4/5/6/7 pupils completed a lap around Whyte's Estate before returning to school for multiple laps (and multiple sprinklings) all in the name of raising vital school funds. 

It's clear that our pupils had so much fun this afternoon and made some memories they will treasure forever whilst also getting those hearts pumping and limbs moving!

Sincere thanks to our PTA and their team of volunteers who made this unique event possible, you have gifted our pupils with a wonderful memory of their sponsored walk/ dash this year!