Capturing the light and shade...
Primary 7 delved into the world of tint and tone after a day of maths problem solving, creative 'free writing' and developing a personal timeline, reflecting the significant moments in their lives both personal and global.
In their art lesson the pupils learned about looking for sources of light and using line and curves to capture shape, shadow and texture. The lesson saw progress from an 'oh no' to 'oh wow' as they experimented and reflected on their progress.
I think you will agree, the results speak for themselves.
Congratulations on a brilliant day P7!
You really unleashed the power of 'yet'. 👏👏👏
St. Francis' Primary School Aghaderg, 24 Donard View Rd, Loughbrickland, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3LN | Tel: 028 4062 8044

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