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St Francis Primary School, Aghaderg


2023/2024 School Year

19th Oct 2023
Primary 5 out and about on their Maths Trail. They were busy calculating area, finding symmetrical...
18th Oct 2023
Maths Week got off to a great start and it was all thanks to Primary 5. They hosted...
16th Oct 2023
P5 busily preparing for Maths Week activities 🧮 Our annual Maths Week has finally...
13th Oct 2023
P7 couldn’t wait for Math’s week next week to start flexing their problem...
29th Sep 2023
Another great basketball session with Kelvin, and his helper Jonathan, a past pupil....
25th Sep 2023
Our lucky pupils enjoyed another tasty meal today, the smiles say it all!  Thank...
22nd Sep 2023
A huge thank you to Calvin our professional American coach, who taught us lots of...
22nd Sep 2023
Congratulations to our new School Councillors, Evie Keenan and Ewan Smyth who will act...